Watch The Webcast

Learn how three simple shifts around exercise can make for your best, most rewarding fitness routine yet. Each shift will help you redefine how you move, get more out of your workouts, and chart a brand new course for success that feels so much more like YOU.


What’s a Webcast? Think of it like a fun, engaging podcast episode and master class, rolled into one!


In This Episode:

Ahh…hear that?! It’s a breath of fresh air coming your way. Exercise will never sound the same again!


What We’ll Talk About:

  • The three common (and stubborn!) myths that complicate exercise and how to SHIFT each one as we lay the groundwork for your BEST fitness routine yet

  • How to use exercise to your advantage and adapt workouts to fit your demanding schedule so busy days and deadlines never hold you back

  • What’s possible with exercise when you SHIFT your approach AND how much EASIER it becomes to reach your goals in a practical and REPEATABLE way

  • How REWARDING your workouts can be and the broader PURPOSE they serve when you ditch the traditional grunt-work associated with exercise and carve out a path that’s 100% yours

Spoiler Alert:

  • NO grueling training plans, pain-staking workouts, crazy gym schedules, or additional exercise time required! :)


How To Watch

Enjoying in the webcast is FREE and easy! You can watch NOW if you’re ready OR pick a time to watch LATER. Simply enter your name and email below to sit back, relax, and uncover what three simple shifts can do for you.


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     Meet Your Host


    Hi, I’m Kristin!

    I’m a certified yoga and fitness instructor, mindfulness teacher, and course creator who’s only a LITTLE OBSESSED with helping you find the exact right balance of things that makes for your best, most rewarding workout routine possible…one that does A LOT MORE than just help you sweat. All it takes a few simple shifts. Come see what I mean as we break it down together inside the webcast :)

    • What makes for an ideal routine? It took me YEARS of trial and error to answer that question. If there was a type of exercise, trendy workout, cult-favorite class, or sparkly new piece of equipment promising results out there, I tried it. I’m going to venture a guess that you’ve perhaps done a little bit of that, too! What I learned through all that toiling is that creating an IDEAL routine – and more importantly, an effective and sustainable one – meant turning everything I’d ever been told about exercise on its head.

      While fitness might begin with pushups and crunches, to me it’s an opportunity to accomplish SO MANY OTHER THINGS! It’s stress release. It’s pain relief. It’s “me” time. It’s mental dexterity. It’s proof you’re capable. It’s the undercurrent that supports everything else amazing you do. It’s...whatever it is you want it to be! When your fitness routine does ALL really is the best!

    Want to keep reading? Get to know me even better in one of these recent articles!